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Tips For Purchasing A Headstone Monument

If you have a loved one who has recently passed away, you may be ready to purchase a headstone monument for their burial site. Before you just pick one that suits your fancy, you will want to make sure that you are reviewing the following tips:

You Want To Obtain A Copy Of The Cemetery Rules

Some cemeteries have very specific rules about what size of kinds of headstone monuments they allow. You might find that every single grave site must have a stone of a certain size. Other cemeteries might be more relaxed in terms of the kinds of headstones used, as long as they are secured in place and are not a disturbance to anyone. Contact the cemetery manager or owner so you can get a copy of their rules.

Pictures On Headstones Are Still An Option

Now that there is the ability to laser engrave pictures onto a headstone, you can memorialize your loved one without worrying about their picture eventually falling off or becoming vandalized. There will be an additional fee for the laser engraving of a portrait and that cost will vary from one headstone company to the next. You will want to contact the company you plan to use to find out how much the picture will cost and how long the order will take to complete.

Find Out Who Sets The Stone

Depending on where you live or the rules of the cemetery, you may be responsible for finding a headstone company that will set the stone for you. This refers to the placement of the headstone at the grave site. Then again, there are a lot of cemeteries that will do the headstone placement themselves, although they may require you to pay a fee for that to be done. Contact the cemetery where the burial plot is to find out who is responsible for getting the stone set in the right place and if there are any fees you need to pay in advance.

As you can see, there are a few things that you will need to consider when purchasing and placing a headstone monument. If you have never been in charge of such a task, know that you are not alone. The headstone companies and the cemeteries understand and they will help walk you through the process so you will not experience a lot of trouble. Your loved one's grave will have a lovely headstone in no time.